End of year announcements!

  • See minutes from our last PTA General Membership meeting Tues. June 4 6:30 PM in (in person/Zoom) where we elected our new Treasurer & Secretary, recapped PTA contribution to FVES, thanked volunteers, and had the principal's update. Minutes: https://fvespta.membershiptoolkit.com/minutes

  • Had 5th Grade Promotion Weds. June 12 (Rockville HS) Slideshow from event live until June 25 https://photos.app.goo.gl/mnQDHzLttM5dWs94 

  • Take our PTA survey to tell us what's important to you for 2024-2025

  • PTA runs thanks to parent/family volunteers. Please check out these opportunities to help or contact president@fvespta.org

  • If you have an incoming Kindergartener this fall, join one or more of PTA-led meet & greet playdates at the FV back playground. Summer dates:


    • Sat. July 20 9:30 AM - 11 AM
    • Weds. Aug 14 3:45 PM - 4:30 PM
    • Fri. Aug. 23 3:45 PM - 4:30 PM


  • Donate outgrown spirit wear to our new Spirit Wear Share for FVES families in need. Reuse and recycle to keep firefly spirit going! (Contact president@fvespta.org to donate)


All year 


 PTA: where everyone belongs

PTA: donde todos pertenecen

We're part of the MCCPTA:  everychild. onevoice.®   cadaniño. unavoz. ®


Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities / Oportunidades para ser voluntario(a) en el PTA

The following positions are vacant for 2024-2025 as indicated. Please contact president@fvespta.org if you're interested. 
Estas posiciones para ser voluntario(a) estan disponible este año. Si tienes interés, contacte a president@fvespta.org
  • Treasurer, Secretary (2024-2025) - contact us now to learn about these "very do-able" and important roles, and talk to the current board members!
  • Carnival Chairperson / Presidente del Carnaval
  • Book Fair team / Equipo de la feria del libro
  • Communications/Social Media lead / Líder de Comunicaciones/Redes Sociales
  • Fundraising Director / Director(a) de Recaudacion
  • Diversity and Inclusion Task Force / Grupo sobre Diversidad e Inclusión
Contact president@fvespta.org for more details!


PTA Upcoming Events

  • PTA General Membership Meeting / Reunion general del PTA: Tues. June 4, 6:30 pm - 8 pm
  • Restaurant Night /Noche de restaurante (recauda) - Villa Maya: Weds. June 5
  • PTA Support of 5th Grade Promotion - Rockville High School, Weds. June 12 5:30 PM

Mark your calendars! Rockville Day at Rockville High School with free books and school supplies for the '24-25 school year is set for Sun. Aug. 18, 1 PM - 3 PM. (new!)


date_range Upcoming School Dates:

Visit the official Flower Valley Elementary School calendar for more information on official school holidays, school events, and early release dates.


Visite la pagina oficial del calendario de Flower Valley Elementary School para mas informacion sobre días feriados, eventos, y dias de salida temprano.

Join the PTA!

Membership Directory*

* You must be a current member and logged in to your account to access the directory.

FVES Information

Website: Visit Website
Principal: Angie L. Fish
Asst. Principal: Kimberly Haden
School Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 3:25 p.m.
Early Release Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 12:55 p.m. 
Address: 4615 Sunflower Drive, Rockville, MD 20853
New Phone: 240-740-1780
New Fax: 240-740-1789

Flower Valley Parent's E-List

The Parent's E-List is the fastest way to get school announcements and find out what's going on. Join today!

Upcoming Events

No Upcoming Events


Kids After Hours
Kids After Hours