Welcome Back Firefly Families!  ¡Bienvenidas nuevamente familias luciérnagas! 


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I hope everyone had a great summer! On behalf of the Parent Teacher Association (PTA), welcome back! Warm greetings to our new fireflies and their families. I know we’ll shine together this year!


This is my second year as PTA president. My son, Dillon, is now starting fourth grade. I greatly appreciated families’ feedback on our PTA surveys, at PTA meetings and via in-person conversations last year. We’ve responded to your requests by including childcare and dinner in meetings, varying PTA meeting days,, launching a WhatsApp channel, adjusting our PTA calendar, and adding new fun options (more summer playdates!).


The PTA is honored to be part of this vibrant school community working together to help all our children reach their potential. All PTA support, financial and otherwise, flows directly to FVES students to learn, grow and have fun!


The FVES PTA collaborates with nearby school PTAs, sends input to the Montgomery County Council of PTAs (MCCPTA), and ultimately connects to the National PTA, the oldest and largest child advocacy organization in the U.S., with 20,000 local units in all 50 states.


Your opportunity to empower us all to support the well-being and education of our children starts here! We are stronger together, and can do more for your child if you:

  • Become a member  - Parents and caregivers who become PTA members are part of a powerful association focused on enriching your child’s education. Each new member (even one!) allows us to better provide key educational resources, speak up on important issues, and create a stronger school community. To become a member, go to https://fvespta.membershiptoolkit.com/membership, find us at any PTA event, or contact me at president@fvespta.org.
  • Become involved  - There’s no wrong way to participate in the PTA! We want to make your voice heard. It’s easy and low commitment to support our work by simply coming to a free or fundraising event, joining/renewing membership for $15/year, or volunteering.

Please review this PTA website to see our annual calendar, and stay connected through our free listserv and social media (Facebook, Instagram) or WhatsApp.


                                                                                                    Have a great year! 


                                                                                                                   Lydia Fleischmann 

                                                                                                    Mother of Dillon Bolton


Join the PTA!

Membership Directory*

* You must be a current member and logged in to your account to access the directory.

FVES Information

Website: Visit Website
Principal: Angie L. Fish
Asst. Principal: Kimberly Haden
School Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 3:25 p.m.
Early Release Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 12:55 p.m. 
Address: 4615 Sunflower Drive, Rockville, MD 20853
New Phone: 240-740-1780
New Fax: 240-740-1789

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Kids After Hours
Kids After Hours