FVES Arrival & Dismissal Procedures 1st - 5th Grade

Flower Valley Elementary School wants to ensure that your child's day at school is safe, enjoyable, and a bright beginning to a lifetime of learning. To help ensure a smooth start to the school day, FVES uses 5th grade safety patrols who are supervised by PE teacher Scott Taubman, "Mr. T". The purpose of the Patrol Program is to provide safety before and after school.

Bus Riders:

Students arriving by bus will be directed to the blacktop at the back of the school. There they will line up with their class. At the end of each day, students will be dismissed from their classroom as their bus number is called over the loud speaker.

Car Riders:

Students arriving by car will be dropped off in the drop-off lane where they will be greeted by patrols as early as 8:40am. The drop-off lane is in the staff parking lot at the east end of the school. As your car pulls up a patrol will open the car door and help your child out of the car and guide them through the double doors. They will walk out the back doors to the black top where they will line up with their class. At the end of each day, students will walk to the front side door where they will line up along the wall and wait for their car to pull up. When you arrive, a patrol will escort your child and help them into your car. Please be patient in the drop-off line. Drivers must stay in their car during drop-off and pick-up. In addition, even if your child has been brought to your car, you must wait in the carpool line until it is your turn to exit. For safety reasons, please don't pull ahead of the drop-off line outside the orange cones.

Morning Line Up:

Patrols are assigned to each class to keep everyone in their line up location as well as help provide a safe environment for all students. When the first bell rings at 8:50am, the teachers will greet their class on the blacktop and escort their students to the classroom.

Inclement Weather

In the morning, children will be escorted from the buses or their cars indoors to the hallway outside their classroom where they will line up and wait for their teachers. During dismissal, bus rider procedure is the same; car riders will line up just inside the side double doors and wait for their car.

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FVES Information

Website: Visit Website
Principal: Angie L. Fish
Asst. Principal: Kimberly Haden
School Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 3:25 p.m.
Early Release Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 12:55 p.m. 
Address: 4615 Sunflower Drive, Rockville, MD 20853
New Phone: 240-740-1780
New Fax: 240-740-1789

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